Wednesday 6 November 2013

Oil and Water!

Like oil and water.....lions and vultures have a similar relationship.
We have been lucky enough to watch a number of lions recently feeding on young elephants they have killed here in Hwange and what has been glaringly obvious is the intolerance of vultures by lions!

One lioness, who had abandoned her kill with virtually nothing left but bones, rushed a full 60m to chase off a lone hooded vulture that dared come too close to the carcass. The strength of this instinct became apparent this morning when I watched a lioness and her cubs. The cubs were whining and asking her to head for the shade and she was desperately trying to comply but no sooner had she walked 25m from the carcass towards distant trees did she hear the vultures squabbling over the kill and had to rush back to chase them off. This went on until I had to leave but I wager that she is still at it now!!

                                                       The Hwange Birder

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