Sunday, 11 November 2012

Birding bonanza!!!!

Wow!!.....I have taken a few days off from work but there has been no rest for the Hwange Birder!!

First there was the appearance of the "New pair" of Common myna at Safari lodge near my home. I managed a few hurried shots of them then but have since followed up on some great intel from my wife and photographed them nesting in a Buffalo weaver's nest (by the pool no less!!).

Then I saw a Chestnut-banded plover at a waterhole in Hwange and although both of my guide books range maps show that Zimbabwe is not a range-state for this species I did manage to find a paper on line that is a compilation of sightings in Zimbabwe. However...i think it may be a new species for Hwange (to be confirmed).

Then yesterday I was trying out my new 600mm lens at a camp site in the park and photographed a grey-headed sparrow at a birdbath. I had heard of the Northern race being here in Hwange and not just the Southern one but this was my first photo to confirm it. Notice the clearly identifiable white patch under the throat that is diagnostic as well as the slightly heavier bill.
The Hwange Birder


1 comment:

  1. Hiya, Steyn lists chestnut banded plover in his Hwange Birds (1991), but great sighting, as is the caspian plover! Pete
