Monday 12 March 2012

Prof Mundy - Eat your heart out!

The Cape Griffon Gyps coprotheres is a very rare sight here in Zimbabwe with only a few confirmed sightings now and again. For those following this blog you will remember one of my first posts with photos of one seen on an elephant carcass in Hwange National Park in 2011.
The widely held belief is that the ones we see here are away from their breeding colonies (typically cliffs) and are sub-adults on a bit of a wander!

My workmate Jane found 3 eland carcasses near the railway line in Hwange (all killed by the train) and watched and waited as the "eyes from the sky" arrived. Then sure enough a large ADULT Cape Griffon arrived and she managed to get some superb shots. Details of this will be logged and sent to the "Prof"...perhaps we are seeing more adults now that the theory would suggest.

The Hwange Birder

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