Thursday 9 February 2012

Leucistic Birds and White Morphs

Recently I posted a sighting and photo of the white morph of the Ruff Philomachus pugnax in Hwange. Well yesterday was a day for Leucistic birds because not only did i see and photograph yet another white Ruff but also saw a loved up pair of Cape turtle doves Streptopelia capicola, one of which was Leucistic!

Leucism is a genetic condition whereby pigment (mainly Melanin) fails to be properly deposited in the feathers and shows as either pure white or at least a washed out version of the usual colouration.
Subsequent investigation on the Internet has shown that quite a few Leucistic Cape turtle doves have been recorded.

I wonder if anyone has seen 2 Leucistics in one day before?

The Hwange Birder

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